Sukiya Job Application (すき家日本牛丼餐厅)
By submitting your personal data, you agree and consent to our privacy policy (
 and the collection and use of your personal information for the purpose of conducting interviews; processing your application (including pre-recruitment checks involving your qualifications); providing or obtaining employee references and for background screening; processing Letter of Consent, and offer of employment; contacting you via telephone, email, SMS, Whatsapp on potential job opportunities; evaluating and assessing your suitability for the position applied for; and any other purposes reasonably related to any of the above. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and with the utmost confidentiality.

(提交您的个人数据,即表示您同意并同意我们的隐私政策 ( 为进行采访而收集和使用您的个人信息;处理您的申请(包括涉及您的资格的招聘前检查);提供或获取员工推荐信和背景调查;处理同意书和工作机会;通过电话、电子邮件、短信、Whatsapp 就潜在的工作机会与您联系;评估和评估您是否适合所申请的职位;以及与上述任何合理相关的任何其他目的。我们将采取一切合理必要的步骤,以确保您的数据得到安全处理并具有最大的保密性.)
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