Page Rate Submissions - Comic Book Publishers
If you'd like to submit information regarding your page rates, please fill out the following form. This is for work done within the comic book industry aka the direct market with publishers (inclusive of small press and indie publishers) such as Marvel, DC, Image Comics, Dark Horse, Vault, Scout, Iron Circus, etc. 

Name, email, and website are to validate your identity and will NOT be shared publicly. Everything sent in will remain entirely anonymous.
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Email *
What is your first and last name? *
As mentioned above, this will stay anonymous. We ask for this for validation.
What is your website or portfolio? *
What publisher(s) are you submitting rates for? *
What was your role for each rate that you are submitting? (ie. Writer,  Artist, Penciler, Inker, Colorist, Cover Artist, etc.) *
What were your page rates? Please format them as follows: $100/page (DC Comics, Penciler), $40/page (Boom! Studios, Colorist), etc. *
Were you work-for-hire? *
Were you paid? *
Were you paid on time? *
If you worked for a publisher like Image, how were you compensated?
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Were there any costs or fees (hidden or otherwise) built into your contract? Such as deductions for marketing, promotions, etc.? *
What year did you work for this/these publisher(s)? *
Is there anything else that you'd like to mention?
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