June 7-9, 2024 - Trip Description and Sign-up for Allentown & Bethlehem, PA Voter Registration 
Why come to PA?
It’s one of the most important swing states. Democrats have lagged behind Republicans in registering new voters for years. Registering likely Democratic  voters is CRITICAL at this point in the election cycle, and there’s no time to waste. And action is an antidote for anxiety!

We’ll be helping people who likely lean Democratic to register to vote. Here’s an opportunity to catch up to the Republicans' "new registered voters" count a bit, and to meet and work with local Dem volunteers. 

Attractions:  The once home plant of Bethlehem Steel, now an entertainment complex--casino, theater, restaurants, museum. the historic Moravian landmark district; Car and Mack Truck museums, a trout hatchery!

Please check your calendar, and sign up if you can. We can’t do this work without you!

Allentown and Bethlehem, PA -  blue cities in a reddish district, in a must-hold congressional district now rated "tossup!"

June 7-9, 2024
We'll go down Friday morning and come back either Sunday evening or Monday morning. If you can stay, Sunday evening is good canvassing time!

Working with campaign of Susan Wild, D-congress
Some hot spot registration, some deep canvassing with low propensity D voters, some canvassing with our own data to find  unregistered people.
If you’d prefer to canvass only, or to do on-site registration only, that’s no problem. Just let us know your preferences (now, please!).  

In all likelihood supporter housing. Or, you can arrange your own housing (at your expense - hotel, AirBnB, your friends/relatives).

Transportation (at your expense):
 Some carpool options likely available, as we will need some car(s) there. Train to Philadelphia is an option, with bus connection to Allentown via Amtrak;  or rent a car in Philly.
Please contact Sue Donaldson at susalson@gmail.com
Thanks for coming with us!  
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If you can't come for the entire trip (and we hope you can!), on which days will you join us?
Where will you be traveling from?
How will you get there?
Would you like to carpool to PA, if possible?
Do you have accommodations near Allentown? (Friends, family...)
If so, in what town will you be staying?
Would you like to stay with a local supporter?
Would you want, or if needed be willing to find an AirB&B or a hotel room (at your own expense)?
If so, would you like to share an AirB&B / hotel room with others? *
Emergency Contact name and phone
Is there anything you'd like us to know? Any "special powers", or activity limitations? Anything else?
Can you tell us about any experience you have registering voters or canvassing? (If you don't have any, that's perfectly ok - we'll train you!)
Any other requests or questions?
Are you interested in longer trips, maybe 4-7 days, or more?
Thanks for filling this out!  We'll be in touch soon.
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