Translation Enquiry (EN) 
Please fill in this form if you would like me to translate, edit or proofread a text and are happy to pay the hourly or per-word rates on my Rates (EN) page.
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Section 1/3 - Your project
What do you want me to do? Please note: I do not translate from English into French.
If you answered 'Other' to the question above, please describe briefly what you would like me to do for you:
How long is the text (in words)? Answers may be approximate.
Before I can agree with you on a price, for any service, I need to assess the text, or a sample of the text. What is the current status of the text?
If you answered 'Other' to the previous question, please provide a brief description of the current status of the text, and what you can share with me for an assessment before we agree on a price.
Section 2/3: Your contact details
Please provide your telephone number (optional) using an international format (+...) if you would like to be called back, via mobile or Whatsapp.
Section 3/3: Other remarks
If you have any other remarks to add, please note them here.
Thank you, this is the end of the form. I usually respond to queries within 24 hours on weekdays, or by Monday over weekends.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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