The Ozarks Maker Faire 2021-                               Volunteer Registration
Want to help during the upcoming Ozarks Maker Faire? We need assistance on Friday, Oct. 22nd at 10am to set up tables, Friday, Oct. 22nd from 2-6pm for Load-in and on the day of the event (Saturday 10/23). You don't have to work the entire day, as we will have many shorter shifts available.

Volunteers will be scheduled for shifts during the events, or before and after (load-in/setup/load-out).

Volunteers will receive a free ticket to the Maker Faire and a Volunteer T-Shirt. There will be snacks and drinks provided in an exhibitor/volunteer-only break area.

Please fill out the form below. We'll contact you as soon as we schedule your shift.
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Are you over 18? *
Where are you from? (City, State)
Social Media/Blog/Website Links (We want to see what our volunteers are making too!)
Have you ever volunteered for a Maker Faire before?
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Skills *
Please indicate which shift you would be available for: *
Not available for the above times? Please let us know below when you are available.
Where did you hear about us?
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