Grant Request Form
This form much be completed to be considered for a grant. Requests are reviewed the second week of each month from September - May. 
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Email *
First and last name *
Organization name *
Address *
City, State, Zip *
Phone number *
Is your organization a 501c3? *
Amount requested *
Is your grant needed by a certain date? *
Describe the project/program for which you are seeking funding.
How does your organization ensure that your programs are effectively achieving their intended outcome(s)?
If you did not receive the full amount requested, how would the project/program continue? *
The mission of The Charity Club is to support the nutritional needs of children and families in Fond du Lac County. This includes enriching the body with food, mental wellness, physical activity, safety, and other ways. How does your grant request align with our mission? *
If your organization is awarded a grant, how will The Charity Club be kept informed of its success and impact? *
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