Innovating Resilience - The Swiss-Israel Lean Launchpad Programme
We're glad to see you here!

Please fill out the following form to apply for the programme. You'll then receive a confirmation email with a link to set up an interview with our team, make sure to schedule a meeting to complete the application process.

* Please note: in order to participate in the programme you’ll need to be enrolled in one of Innosuisse's coaching programmes. You can sign up to a call with us anyway, but in the meantime we suggest you already apply for Innosuisse coaching. (click here to learn more:

Feel free to reach out to us for support. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and last name, position *
Startup Name *
What problem do you help solve for resilience?
e.g. therapist fatigue, depression in youth, diagnosis etc.
Startup website
Are you enrolled in a Innosuisse coaching program?  *
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