Application Form for Wednesday Classes
Use this form to join our Wednesday classes in Enfield only
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I am applying for:
Child's first name *
Child's last name *
Child's Age *
Child's date of birth *
Child 2 Full Name *
Child 2 date of birth *
Child's full address including postcode *
Child's gender *
Parent / Guardian's full name
Parent / Guardian's phone number *
Parent / Guardian's Email Address
Do you give permission for us to contact you by email and phone?
Full name of emergency contact
Relationship of emergency contact to child
Phone number of emergency contact
Name of child's school
Please list any medical conditions /allergies which we need to be aware of
Do you give permission for trained staff to administer BASIC fist aid? (i.e. cold pack for bumps and plasters for cuts)
I have read and agree to TLA's  terms and conditions, including photographs and short video clips will be taken during the class to help promote Theatre Life Academy for TLA online social media and TLA YouTube. Tick here to agree to our terms and conditions available to view on our Website:
Please list any other information that you would like us to be aware of.
Where did you hear about the musical theatre classes?
Digital Signature. Please type your name below to confirm all the above details are correct.
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