Judge Volunteer Interest Form:  REC Foundation Guide to Judging
If you are interested in learning more about In-Person Judging or Remote Judging, or are interested in volunteering as a Judge in either of these capacities for the VEX Robotics World Championship, please fill out this form.
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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
Are you over the age of 18 and not a student on a V5RC team? *
In which State / Country / Event Region are you located?  *
In which REC Foundation Program to you have experience Judging? *
Would you be interested in learning more about group volunteering opportunities, as part of a corporate service or outreach initiative? *
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, what company are you a part of?
What volunteer opportunities are you interested in? *
What languages are you comfortable using for Judging Interviews? Please check all that apply: *
Is there other information you would be like to share or any questions you may have?
Who may we thank for providing you the link to this form? 
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