Antiracist Park City Pledge
Take the pledge and join us in addressing systemic racism and injustice. This form represents a commitment to the advancement of equity and inclusion in our community. Park City Community Foundation encourages you and your nonprofit organization to sign on and commit to one or all of the following:
-Equity and inclusion in our practices – this means evaluating our policies and programs, and determining which racial groups are being served and which are not. If inequity exists, consider making a change.

-Recognize and name our privilege, then use it. Stop saying “I’m not racist.” Racism exists in the institutions and systems in which we operate.

-Invest in professional development focused on learning more about race equity.

-Take the census and vote. Tell someone to take the census and vote. Make voting equitable and accessible.

-Get comfortable with being uncomfortable – talk about race and race equity with your staff, family, and friends.

*List of resources:

Keep the conversation going by acting on some of these recommendations and tagging #AntiracistParkCity on social media.
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Position (e.g. Executive Director, Board Chair, etc.)
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