Math Festival by Alternative Education Volunteer Registration Form
Alternative Education is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization dedicated to pioneer new possibilities for today's education and promote equal access to educational opportunities by engaging nontraditional resources, incorporating innovative methodology, and providing professional information services.

The Youth Department's Initiatived Math Festivals and so far, we have hosted many math festivals all over the Bay Areas in local schools, community centers/events, and libraies. We have also secured a spot and will bring our project: DIY STEAM Games to the Bay Area Maker Faire in Oct. 2023. 

A math festival is a community event that provides kids and their families with an opportunity to engage in fun and interactive games and activities designed to foster a positive interest in mathematics. Volunteer opportunities encompass roles such as Activity Leads, IT Experts, Community Promoter Specialists, and Math Festival Hosts. (Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by their parents or guardians). 

Impactful Contribution
Skill Development (Leadership, Communication, Outreach, Collabaration, etc.)
Volunteer hours and potential opportunities for PVSA (The President's Volunteer Service Award)

Contact us at: for any questions or comments. 
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Volunteer's Name
Age Group
Contact Email
Phone Number
Zip Code
School Name
Roles interested
Event Code
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