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GC is the home of the global games industry. Gamedev professionals are using GameCompanies.com to discover companies, services, jobs, industries, events and games.

With over 32K+ visitors and 220K+ pageviews per month you can:
  • Reach out to global gamedev audience by promoting your product or service 
  • Increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website
  • Target game development professionals based on location with Industries
Are you ready to introduce your brand to gamedevs?

If so, get in touch with us by filling in the form below.

You can display your ad on every page in the top right corner of Industries and Games:

1. Top Banner (top right corner) 5€ per click and 5€ per 1000 view

2. Left Side Banner  (left scrollable list) 4€ per click and 4€ per 1000 view

3. Small Left Side Banner (left scrollable list) 3€ per click and 3€ per 1000 view

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