School Club Registration Form Summer Term 2024
Clubs will start again the week commencing 22nd April.

After you have submitted this registration form, you will be contacted if we ARE able to offer your child a place in this club. Places will typically be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Even if your child has been accepted to a club previously, they will need to re-register for this term.

There will be no clubs in the FIRST and LAST week of term and the week parent consultations take place. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Class *
Priority choice 1  *
You can select more than one club if there is more than one available for your child's year group, however, your child may only be selected for one of the clubs if there is a high demand. If we are not able to offer your child a place in the club they have chosen, they will be given priority later in the year or when a place becomes available - the brackets next to the club in this list indicate which year groups the club is open to.
Priority choice 2 *
You can select more than one club if there is more than one available for your child's year group, however, your child may only be selected for one of the clubs if there is a high demand. If we are not able to offer your child a place in the club they have chosen, they will be given priority later in the year or when a place becomes available - the brackets next to the club in this list indicate which year groups the club is open to.
Food allergies/dietary requirements/Medical Information/Medication (leave blank if none)
At some of our clubs, we may do some food tasting or give the children a snack. Also, it is important for club leaders to be aware of any health-related issues.
I give permission for my child to attend this club and understand that they must be collected by an adult at the end of the club (if the club is an after school club). I understand that if my child fails to attend the club on more than one occasion or if my child is not collected on time on more than one occasion, the place may be offered to another child in the school. Due to darker winter evenings, children are unable to walk home from clubs on their own and must be collected. *
Parent's Forename *
Parent's Surname *
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This form was created inside of St Julian's Primary School.

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