The Local Church |  Benevolence Request
TLC's Benevolence Fund provides financial assistance to individuals and families who are experiencing a crisis or other hardship.

In order to be eligible to receive financial assistance, you must be connected to TLC or be referred by someone connected to TLC. In the case of the latter, the individual with the connection to TLC should fill this form out on your behalf.

The Benevolence Fund purpose is to meet people’s basic needs, which may include rent, utilities, food, medical treatment, or clothing. Needs that do not qualify for Benevolence assistance include school expenses, legal fees, credit card debt, business investments, and fines resulting from late payments.

The Local Church is responsible for administering the Benevolence Fund within IRS compliant guidelines.
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Email *
Date *
Is this request for you or someone else? *
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
What is your connection to The Local Church? *
If requesting on behalf of someone else, what is their name and relationship to you? Please answer the below questions on their behalf. (ie. their address, not your address)
List any individuals, with ages, in the immediate household in need of assistance who are dependent on care and support. *
Phone Number
Address *
Relationship Status *
Employment Status and Place of Work *
Which best describes your/their need? *
What is the total amount of your request? *
What needs will this request cover? *
Briefly, explain what led you/them to need assistance? We want to pray for you. *
Write any additional notes here:
By physically or electronically signing this form, you are giving permission to have The Local Church Benevolence Team validate the above information in prayerful consideration. Please write your full name. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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