Slackline Access Report
Slackline U.S. believes that the best way to handle access issues is to prevent them from happening. We are not interested in imposing regulations or establish policies where access issues do not currently exist. Rather, we hope to be able to avoid access issues by providing information for both the slackline community and the public about safe and responsible practices and by publishing guidelines on how to work with local officials when it becomes necessary.

When issues do arise, and in the many places that currently have access disputes pending, Slackline U.S. will use the information provided through these reports to support local communities in handling their own access issues.

Please fill out the following form to let us know about slackline access in your location, access issues you have had, or update us on developments of a previously reported access issue. If there no slacklining access issues or your city/park/university has an agreed upon use policy or other regulations, let us know that too!

Note: A separate form submission for each major issue would be appreciated to help us categorize and gather data about the number and locations of access issues.

Slackline U.S Access Committee
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First Name *
Last Name *
Home Base (City) *
Where do you live/slackline regularly
Home Base (State) *
Are you reporting an access issue? *
(Examples: being told to leave a public park, being ticketed, bolts cut, or other interaction)
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