RSVP: CAMDA Climate Action Data 2.0 - November Working Group Meeting - COP26 Edition
Date/time: Saturday, November 6 from 8:30 am - 11:00 am
Where: Climate Action Lab, Mandela Theatre, 51 Richmond Street, Glasgow, UK, Lecture Hall
Tentative agenda:
- 8:00 am Coffee + pastries
- 8:30 am - 11:00 am Meeting
We welcome existing members + new who are interested in working towards improving the state of data for tracking non-state and subnational climate actions. We will discuss:
- 1) principles for partnership;
- 2) digitally-enabled solutions for nested accounting to support the Paris Agreement's Global Stocktake;
- 3) three working groups: data harmonization, digital infrastructure, and policy & use cases.
The meeting is envisaged to be in-person, with strict observation of COVID-19 measures. The organization is currently looking into opportunities for remote participation.