Nude Gathering Interest Form
Only those 18 years and older may apply.
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Email *
Your Name *
Your Pronouns (she/her, he/him, they/them, ze/zir, etc) *
Your Location (City & State) *
Your Preferred Role (choose all that apply) *
Link to your portfolio (if applicable, type "none" if you don't have one) *
Are you 1 or more of the following? If attendance space is limited, people who meet the criteria below will be prioritized for the gathering (Choose all that apply) *
Your References (provide 2 or more names & email addresses for people you have created with in the past, type "none" if no references) *
Can you provide a location for a future nude gathering? (Must be uncluttered, have good natural light, and be safe for a group of nude people to be there for several hours) *
Link to info about location, if applicable
Code that acknowledges that you have read and agree to the terms of the Code of Conduct ( *
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