SAHS Band Absence Excuse Form

This form is to be used to request that your absence from any event or rehearsal be excused. This form should be filled out by the PARENT/ GUARDIAN of the student. This form is to be submitted at the BEGINNING OF THE WEEK of the scheduled event or rehearsal OR immediately following an illness/ unexpected death in your family absence. According to the SJCCA Contract each member is expected to attend ALL rehearsals and performances. The director must approve exceptions in advance.

ALL Absences will result in a Zero until a make-up assignment is submitted. Full Credit may be earned on Make-Up Assignments for Excused Absences. It is the Responsibility of the Student to login to Schoology to see what the Make-Up Assignment is and to then complete the Make-Up Assignment. 70% Credit is the highest percent that a student may earn on a make-up assignment for an Unexcused Absence. 

Examples of Unexcused Absences are: 

Not submitting an Absence Excuse form by the beginning of the week of the date of absence for an absence that would normally be considered excused (except for emergencies)

Not filling out the absence request form with enough/ correct information

Work Conflict

Doctor Appointments- unless an emergency

Scheduling conflict with other SAHS event and not working out the conflict with Director and Sponsor

Conflict with Outside of School Event or Sports Team

Other absences may be deemed unexcused- the examples above are just examples.

Examples of Excused absences are:

Family Emergency with specifics information and details given to the Director

Conflict with an event planned prior to the Band Schedule being Published (Published on Band Website/ CutTime/ Band App on 7/17/2023.

Conflict with School Activity as long as both the Director and Sponsor know in advance of the conflict

Death in the Family

These are just a few examples of Excused Absences

If a student is well enough to attend school they will be expected at rehearsal.  If a student is not in school they may not attend rehearsal.

***Filling out and submitting this form does not guarantee that your request will be Excused.***

 If you are sick for multiple days (Thursday- Rehearsal, Friday- Game, Saturday- Competition), an absence request form must be submitted for each Rehearsal/ Event that you miss.

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Email *
Parent/ Guardian Email Address *
Parent/ Guardian Contact Phone Number *
Student Name *
Today's Date *
Absence/ Tardy/ or Early Dismissal *
Date of Absence or Tardy or Early Dismissal *
Detailed Explanation as to why the request is being made: (If you fail to answer this section OR do not provide enough detail, the request will not be approved as an Excused Absence. Be as detailed as possible.)
I am Requesting this Absence/Tardy/ Early Dismissal be: *
1 point
By checking the box below both the student and the guardian are acknowledging that they have read the attendance policy.
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