Commit 2 Sangha Program Application
Commit 2 Sangha is a non-judgmental, multi-session in person learning space to practice being in community together, hosted across several weekends in April-June 2024.

All responses will be kept confidential to the teaching team of Commit 2 Dharma. Please complete all questions and your submission of this application will be accepted as a signed commitment to the agreements of the program including dana, or generosity, to support the program and teachers.

The deadline to apply is March 29, 2024 at midnight pacific time. We will be accepting people on a rolling basis so please send in your application as soon as possible. 

The dates of the program are Apr 6, 13, 27, May 18, June 8 & 9, 2024. We will meet on each of these dates in person from 9am to 4pm.

Please email with any questions about this program or application. For reference here is a document with all the questions and descriptions in this application: 

Due to the potential number of applications, it is possible that not everyone who applies will be accepted. There will be a maximum number of 40 participants due to COVID protocols as well as time constraints of the teachers and program design. Even if you meet the criteria for the program, applications will be carefully selected considering the length of the applicant’s practice experience as well as the intention of creating a diverse mix of demographics and interests of those who apply. Priority is given to those living in the Bay Area, BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ participants. Thank you for your patience and understanding.  
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City and State where you live *
How do you self-identify your racial and ethnic heritage or background?
How do you self-identify your sexual orientation?
How do you self-identify your gender identity?
Do you identify as a person with a disability or disabilities?
Please share any access needs you anticipate in attending this program
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