Plastic-Free Eau Claire

Signing a pledge shows our community and elected representatives that you care about the damaging plastic in our city and are committed to making a change.

You are not just clicking a button. You are making your voice heard, Eau Claire. Your pledge is more powerful than you think.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Plastic-Free Pledge
It may look overwhelming - however, taking one action at a time, building that habit, and then committing to another action can feel more manageable and be more sustainable.
Remember, progress over perfection.
Please share any other sustainable practices you're implementing in your life. 
I pledge to... (select all that apply) *
Signing the pledge affirms that you are committed to reducing single-use plastic in the Chippewa Valley.
Would you like follow up information to learn how to turn your pledge into action? Your email will never be used for marketing purposes.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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