Watch the first 4 minutes of the video to answer the following questions
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3. How do you steer a vehicle? *
1 point
8. Where did Mr Bean get his hand stuck into? *
1 point
10. What does Mr. Bean do with his turn number? *
1 point
9. What waiting room are the patients waiting for? *
1 point
11. Mr Bean is very cheeky *
1 point
6. Where is the totally bandaged man sitting on? *
1 point
Mr Bean at the hospital
2. How does Mr. Bean lock his car? *
1 point
7. What's the red object on the wall of the waiting room? *
1 point
1. What does the man at the beginning of the video do? *
1 point
4. What does Mr Bean do with the girl's doll? *
1 point
5. What should you do when you are in a queue if you want to be a respectful citizen? *
1 point
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