Examining Policy Issues
In this Think-Pair-Share you will be assigned a policy issue from the topics below and you will examine how the United States has dealt with/is dealing with the issue.
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Policy 1: Marriage Equality
Examine the debate relating to Marriage Equality in the United States and a specific issue relating to it.  
1. Use reputable internet sources to find out the arguments in favor of marriage equality, and the arguments against marriage equality *
2. What is the stance of the current administration in the formation of policy related to the issue? *
3. Read the USNews Article about the Clerk in Rowan County Kentucky and answer the following series of questions. (Article linked on course website) - a. Summarize the Main points - b. What does this article reveal about the connection between the courts, local government, and the carrying out of public policy? - c. Research the most current updates for this issue in particular. Summarize what has happened below.
Policy 2: Darfur
Examine the United States’ stance on the situation in Darfur and what they have done, and continue to do.
1. Use reputable internet sources to find out what is happening in Darfur (particularly since 2003). Summarize the situation below.   *
2. What are the arguments for US intervention in the region? Arguments against? *
3. What is the stance of the current administration in the formation of foreign policy around the issue? *
4. Using the Legislation section of the Save Darfur website (Linked on the course website) answer the series of questions below. a. Summarize the most recent piece of legislation b. In the section for the 108th Congress read about and explain the significance of House Concurrent Resolution 467. c. Analyze the differences in the actions of the 110th, 111th, and 112th congresses dealing with the issue. Which one seems to have the most active stance? Explain your reasoning. *
Policy 3: Affordable Care Act
Examine the debate relating to socialized health care in the United States and a specific issue relating to it.  
1. Use reputable internet sources to find out the arguments in favor of the Affordable Care Act, and the arguments against the Affordable Care Act
2. What is the stance of the current administration in the formation of policy related to the issue? *
3. Review the Department of Health and Human Services website of the Key Features by year (linked on course website) and answer the series of questions below. a. Explain why it is fair to say that the Affordable Care Act is not one law, but many. Explain your answer using specific pieces of evidence. b. What does the Affordable Care act reveal about the need for gradual change and complex roll-outs of policy? Use evidence from each year between 2010 and 2014 to explain your answer. *
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