Homeschool Library Hour Registration
Join us to connect with other homeschoolers in the community and explore the resources the library has to offer to support your family's educational journey! Meetings are every other Wednesday at 1 pm.

August 14 - Library Introduction & Tour. Open to library regulars and new friends alike! We will go over the basics of what the library has to offer, then have a short tour accompanied by a scavenger hunt.

August 28 - Ecobricking Workshop. An ecobrick is a plastic bottle densely packed with used plastic to create a sturdy building block. To make one, all you need is a stick and a bottle! Join us for a workshop to learn the basics of ecobricking, and how you can use this simple practice to help keep plastics out of landfills and waterways.
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Guardian name *
Email *
Program Date
How many children will be attending in your group? *
Please list the names and age of all children who will be attending with you *
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