Evaluators Without Borders Application for Services

EWB connects community-based organizations and nonprofits with volunteer evaluators who can provide a variety of evaluation-related support services. These services build the capacity of the nonprofit sector to effectively assess their programs and initiatives.

Complete the form to request services. The EWB Coordinator will review your application and contact you for any clarifications to help find the best match. We will match your request to a Washington Evaluators member with the appropriate skills and experience. Sometimes we pair a new evaluator with a mentor evaluator who oversees the work.

Once you are matched, we will work with you to craft a scope of work (SOW) and set up a kickoff meeting between you and the evaluator.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name of Organization
Organization Address
Type of organization
Size of the Organization
Your Name
Your title or position with the organization
Your email
Your time zone
In a few words, describe the organizations' mission.
Please describe the communities or populations your organization serves.
In a few sentences, please describe what your organization does and where activities take place.
What is the name of the program that will be the focus of the evaluation activities with EWB?
Please describe why you need a volunteer evaluator and how the assistance will support your organizational goals.
Which of the following evaluation activities do you need assistance with from EWB? (select only 1)
What is your start date for the project?
What program or other staff will be participating in the evaluation activity?
Please select the work method you prefer to use with the evaluator?
What skills or experience should the evaluator have to successfully work with you?
Does your program have a logic model or theory of change?
Please describe any previous experience working with program evaluators.
How did you hear about Evaluator Without Borders?
Thank You!
We will be in touch in a few days.
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