Interior Design Awards Category 6 - Sample Space
Show flat provided by realty developers to create an environment on actual building site or offsite prototype to promote the sales of the property.
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Submission Details
Submission limited to 3 nos. of A2 size jpg/jpeg panels in Landscape mode 
Panel No 1: layout & relevant drawings & details with the USP of the project in not more than 200 words.
Panel No 2: project details, client brief & response to judging criteria.
Project details should include
Size in sq.ft ,Location
Project cost in Rupees
Context – description of immediate surroundings and any other relevant information
Panel No 3: color photographs of the project.

8 to 15 nos. of Images with Project and Firm Description (up to 100 words)
All the above entries must be submitted by Google Drive Link
Participants shall not mention the Name of the interior work/project or Designer anywhere on the panel or on the sheets or in the photographs. 
Judging Criteria ( Holds 20 points each )
1. Form
2. Functionality / efficiency & adherence to client's brief Contextual reference
3. Originality / Innovation / Creativity /adaptation of traditional or local crafts
4. Sustainability
5. Sensorial & spatial experiences
Name *
Email Address *
Firm Name and Address *
Phone number *
Project site address with Pincode *
Checklist - Please review your work before submitting *
Google Drive link of submission. *
Payment Link - *
Thanks & regards
Ar.Minal Dube
Founder & CEO Spaciux
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