The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Replayed Contributor Application
Thank you for expressing interest in The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Replayed! This is a non-profit group collaboration looking for artists of all different styles and skill levels, regardless of medium. We are looking to begin working on the first act of the film, so if you believe you have what it takes, tell us more about yourself and we may consider you for the project! Do note that you will need a Discord account so that we may follow up with you and invite you to our private server where you can submit your final scenes and mingle with the other contributors!

Please only submit ONCE! Thank you!
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What best describes you? *
Previous Work (Social Media/Portfolio): *
Tell us about yourself! Who are you and what do you do? *
Why do you want to work on this project? Explain why you believe you would be a good fit for the collaboration. *
If you were part of the late Super Mario Bros. Movie Replumbed project, please link your scene or scene progress here and we may consider having you back!
Discord Username (Keep your friend requests open so that we may contact you!) *
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