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Travel experience
28 responses
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Age* (in years)
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Do you like exploring different places and culture?
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What are your places of interest?
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What sources do you typically rely on to gather travel recommendations?
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Do you find difficulty in navigation inside a monument or cultural heritage, when you visit it for the first time?
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Have you ever visited a place/historical site/monument that didn't meet your expectations? If so, what aspects of the experience led you to believe that it didn't live up to its reputation or perceived value?
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Have you ever missed out on visiting and exploring all the different structures inside a heritage complex, due to a lack of adequate information which could have been present ideally maybe through effective signage or navigation help?
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Have you ever missed out on the beauty of a monument because you visited it at a non-ideal time?
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Are you a person who stops and read signs and boards inside a historic site?
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Were you ever accompanied by a tourist guide inside a monument site? If yes, what difference do you think he brought to the tour?
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In the era of widespread internet access and abundant information, do you believe that tour guides still serve a valuable purpose in enhancing the overall travel experience?
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