Whale of a Sale Spring 2025 VIP Tagging Form - Westfield
Drop off your organized and clean, good quality items to your tagger - then relax and wait for your payment within two weeks of the sale ending! Pick up any unsold items yourself from Grand Park at the end of the sale, that you choose not to donate.

Please complete and submit this form and we will contact you within 3 business days. You must register your own consignor spot and pay the fee yourself. Please ensure you have read the guidelines for accepted items (link below), and the item limits on the website. Your items must be dropped off clean, organized by gender and size, in working order, and be of good quality and current styles. You will receive 35% of the earnings within two weeks of the sale ending! (Can earn a higher percentage if you work shifts at the sale!)

Spots will fill up fast! We look forward to working with you!

Guidelines & Unaccepted Items:
https://whale-sale.com/accepted-items/   *
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
Consignor Fee Paid (this must be complete before we can accept your items): *
Consignor Number: *
Password (case sensitive): *
Preferred Contact Method:
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Where are you located? *
If you have used our VIP Tagging Service previously, who was your tagger?
Would you like to donate unsold items? We highly encourage this (books are automatically donated). Please note, you must collect your own unsold items from the sale, should you choose not to donate. *
Would you like your items to be marked eligible for the half price sale day? We highly encourage this. If you will have specific items you would like to mark ineligible, please state that in "other" *
Have you read the guidelines on accepted and unaccepted items? The link is in the description at the top of this form. *Please note, any items deemed unacceptable by your VIP Tagger, will be automatically donated if not collected from your tagger by the close of the sale. Please also ensure your items are seasonally appropriate, freshly laundered and stain free, sorted by gender and size and in very good condition. *
For items that require batteries, can you confirm that they will all have working batteries in them at drop off? $1 per battery fee will be charged otherwise. *
Approximately how many items will you be dropping off?   *
What type of items will you be dropping off to your VIP Tagger? (Baby gear, clothes, toys, books, outdoor toys, nursery etc.) *
What clothing brands will you be consigning? (Please note that Garanimals is unaccepted). *
Anything else to note? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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