Croment Preworkshop Survey

The collection and processing of the mentioned data is done for the purpose of conducting the workshop. Consent applies only to the specified processing purposes and specified categories of personal data and may not be used for other purposes. The processing of the above categories of personal data will be carried out in accordance with the General Regulation on Data Protection and the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection

Prikupljanje i obrada navedenih podataka vrši se u svrhu provođenja radionice. Privola se odnosi samo na navedene svrhe obrade i navedene kategorije osobnih podataka te se ne smije koristiti u druge svrhe. Obrada navedenih kategorija osobnih podataka provoditi će se sukladno Općoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka i Zakonu o provedbi Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka.

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1. Name and surname / Ime i prezime


2. Institution / Institucija


3. What is your current position? / Koja je Vaše radno mjesto u instituciji?

4. What is the scientific field of your interest?  / Uz koje znanstveno polje je vezan Vaš interes?

5.  Are you familiar with following terms?  / Jeste li upoznati sa sljedećim pojmovima?  [GBIF / GBIF]

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6.  Are you familiar with following terms?  / Jeste li upoznati sa sljedećim pojmovima?  [Open Data Policy / Politika otvorenih podataka ]

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7.  Are you familiar with following terms?  / Jeste li upoznati sa sljedećim pojmovima?  [FAIR principle /FAIR princip]

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8.  Are you familiar with following terms?  / Jeste li upoznati sa sljedećim pojmovima?  [Darwin Core Standard / Darwin Core standard]

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9.  Are you familiar with following terms?  / Jeste li upoznati sa sljedećim pojmovima?  [·Creative Commons Licence / Creative Commons licence]

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10. Do you use biodiversity data from other institutions/resources in your work? /  Koristite li u Vašem poslu podatke o bioraznolikosti od drugih institucija/izvora 
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11. Does you institution has a common/central database for biodiversity data? /  Ima li Vaša institucija jedinstvenu bazu podataka o bioraznolikosti? 
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12. Does you institution have a common policy of biodiversity data sharing? /  Ima li Vaša institucija jedinstvenu politiku razmjene podataka o bioraznolikosti? 
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13. Is your institution sharing the data with other institutions? /   Razmjenjuje li Vaša institucija podatke s drugim institucijama? 
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14. Are biodiversity data of your institution available to public? /   Jesu li podaci o bioraznolikosti Vaše institucije dostupni javnosti 
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15. If the answer to the last question is YES, how does you institution share the data with public? /   Ako je odgovor na posljednje pitanje DA, na koji način Vaša ustanova dijeli podatke s javnošću?
16. Is your institution willing to publish biodiversity data through GBIF and national biodiversity database? /  Ima li Vaša institucija interes za objavljivanjem podataka o bioraznolikosti putem GBIF-a i nacionalne baze podatka o bioraznolikosti 
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17. If the answer to the last question is NO, please write down most relevant reason/obstacle. / Ako je odgovor na posljednje pitanje NE, napišite najrelevantniji razlog/prepreku.

18. How often have you used this tool?  /  Koliko ste često koristili ovaj alat?: [GIS software]
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19. How often have you used this tool?  /  Koliko ste često koristili ovaj alat?: [SQL]
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20. How often have you used this tool?  /  Koliko ste često koristili ovaj alat?: [Openrefine]
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21. How often have you used this tool?  /  Koliko ste često koristili ovaj alat?: [R/Rstudio]
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22. What do you expect from the workshop? 

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