EP2H_Questionnaire for Polish Students_Healthy habits and EI
Dear students, This questionnaire aims at getting to know and sharing experiences about each others' lifestyles and emotional intelligence - the topics we are learning about with our eTwinning project "EP2H". Thank you for your participation.
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1. Your gender *
2. Your age *
3. How many hours sleep do you usually get per day? *
4. How many times do you usually eat fruit and vegetables per day? *
5.Do you usually have breakfast in the morning? *
6. How often do you drink water during the day? *
7. During the week, how many days are you physically active for AT LEAST 60 MINUTES per day? *
8. On an AVERAGE SCHOOL DAY, how many hours do you play video or computer games or use a computer/tablet or the Internet for something that is not schoolwork? *
9. I recognize how my behaviour affects others emotionally. *
10. I listen to others with patience and understanding. *
11. When pursuing a goal, I am usually able to manage anxiety, anger, fear, and stress. *
12. In stressful situations, I do not get irritated easily and I am able to contain my emotions. *
13. I am able to see things from another person’s perspective. *
14. Two of your friends are having an argument. Your response is to... *
15. Mention a place in your town or country where  you really feel happy. *
16. Mention a typical food from your country thay you really enjoy eating *
17. Mention a person from your country that you really admire. Refer to his/her name, his/her job and why you admire him/her. *
18. Mention 3 activities that really make you feel good. *
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