Value of Quality Public Postal Services
We are working on video projects & want to hear from you about how you use the United States Postal Service and what the people's Post Office means to you.
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First Name *
Last Name
City, State *
What postal services to you primarily use?
What part does the U.S. Mail and your local post office play in your community?
Do you have a favorite story to share about your local postal employee or post office?
Have you ever wished that you could do more at the post office?  Would it be helpful if the USPS also had financial services (postal banking), licenses, community internet hubs, gift wrapping, etc.?
Is it important to you that the USPS increases the services it provides to you and your community?
Do you value postal workers and the public Postal Service?
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 Do you have a story that shows why you value postal workers and the U.S. Mail?
Are you interested and willing to be interviewed by the APWU on video? *
If yes, please provide your email and phone number:
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