UCFCC Adoption/Foster Application
We are very happy to help you find the love of your life. Please kindly fill out this application to get started.
The next step in the process will be a home visit or a video call, during which we will be looking to assess if the environment is safe to receive a cat. Some things we are looking for:
  • Windows in every room are secured to prevent the cats escaping.
  • Is the home ready to receive the kitty: litter box, food & water bowl areas, cat food available, etc.
  • Are there other pets that could potentially cause harm to the kitty? If other pets are present, they must all be fully vetted (Spayed/Neutered and Vaccinations up-to-date)
Our adoption fee is $300 for both adult cats and kittens. We are willing to lower the fee to deserving families or to those who adopt more than two cats.

Please note that if you take a cat from the street and bring him to any vet for fixing, vaccination, fiv/leu testing, two vaccines, six dewormers, defleece, and ears check you will pay more than $800 to $900 for those and you will have to do four to six trips to the vets. Except kittens who are too young to be fixed, all our cats have all of the above with less than 1/3 of the cost of all vets and you save at least four vet trips.

Also, please kindly understand that we had the inflation of our lifetime in the last two years and that everything to get a cat ready for a home (fixing, vaccines, dewormers, defleece, fiv/leu test, food, litter) increased in price. Only fixing a cat costs us $165. We have a deficit most of the time which you can confirm in our open books at www.tinyurl.com/ucfccincomeandexpenses

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Which cat do you want to adopt (leave blank if you do not know)?
Applicant's Full Name *
How old are you? *
Applicant must be older than 18
Occupation *
Where did you hear about us? *
Email *
Phone Number *
Preferred communication method
Clear selection
Street Address *
City, State, Zip (pls do NOT forget to list your city and zip code) *
Do you rent or own your home? If renting, provide your Landlord's name & number in the "Other" field *
If renting, are you allowed to have pets at home? *
Please list every person in your household with their ages - Name, Relationship, Age *
Please list every pet the household with their vaccination & fixing status - (Name, age, vaccinated?, Fixed?) *
What is your level of experience with cats? *
The ASPCA estimates that the first year of care for a cat (food, litter, and vet care) totals $715. This amount could be higher if your pet becomes sick or injured. Are you willing to take on this financial
The average life span of an indoor cat is 15-18 years. Are you ready and willing to make this long- term commitment?
Why do you want a cat/kitten? *
Have you had a cat before? If so, please provide details *
Have you ever rehomed or surrendered a pet? if yes, please provide details *
How would you deal with behavioral issues like scratching, peeing/spraying, etc? *
What type of vet care do you believe is appropriate, how often?
Who will take care of your cat/kitten when you are out of town?
What will happen to the cat/kitten if you move locally? Out of state? Overseas?
Under what circumstances would you consider not keeping the cat/kitten?
Will you consider declawing your adopted cat/kitten? *
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