HELPING HANDS CHARITABLE TRUST           Proposal Submission
Announcement for inviting proposal for livelihood project.
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Email *
Name: *
Qualification: *
Work Experience: *
Contact Details: (Phone and Email) *
Place of Implementation of the project (State along with district/town /village):
What is the Project about?
Details for implementation of the Project: Marketing Strategy, Profit making etc.
How will it generate employability? Please specify in detail with scale and number.
How will you generate least carbon footprint?
Is your project unique/innovative?
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If the above response is Yes, then please specify how?
Will you make use of local resources and indigenous knowledge for the implementation of your project?
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If the above response is yes, then please specify the details.
How is your project self-sustainable?
Can it be replicable?
Total Cost of the Project?
How much money will you contribute in the project?
How much support are you expecting from us? Please justify.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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