My study seeks to investigate and address the lack of a rubric to guide and support the integration of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies (CSP) and practices in online instruction. To be responsive to the cultural diversity in the US public school system and the growing demand for online educator preparation, there is a need for the integration of CSP in rubrics that support the design of online learning. Currently, our online evaluation rubrics do not incorporate any guidance for including CSP into online learning.
Thank you for your consideration in participating in this study. While I await IRB approval, I am gathering information for possible participants. By completing this form, you agree to being contacted via email with an official invitation for participation.
Participation in the study will include completing a survey, and engaging in three one-on-one meetings scheduled at your connivence.
Please respond to this Google Form by October 1st, 2022.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Nicole Shanley