Request a Clinic for Your Community or Workplace
The Street Trust offers many clinics that we present at your workplace, organization, or in your community. Clinics are one hour unless otherwise noted and are offered in person or virtually. Use this form to register for most clinics, but register for Oregon Friendly Driver here. We will respond within 48 hours of your request. Please allow for one to two weeks to secure a presenter if available. Scroll to the bottom of this page for clinic descriptions.
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Email *
Name *
Company or Organization (if applicable)
Phone Number
Address for Clinic Location (or "Virtual")
Type of Clinic *
See descriptions of clinics at the bottom of this page
Clinics are 1 hour long, include time for questions, and are typically given during lunch hours. What time of day would you like to schedule your clinic?
Please list 3 possible dates for the clinic:
Is your company or organization a The Street Trust Business Member?
Is your company or organization interested in learning more about The Street Trust's Business Member program?
Who is the best contact for us to follow up with more information about the Business Member program?
Please include name, position, phone number, and email.
Clinic Descriptions
Bike Commuting 101
Our most popular offering with everything you need to know to start using your bike for transportation! We cover laws, skills, gear, route planning, and basic maintenance.

Bike Camping
What to bring, what to eat, how to pack, where to go, how to get there, and safety. Attendees leave with free resource handouts and a helpful packing checklist.

Biking Commuting 101: Spring
Bike Commuting 101 with expanded section on happily biking when it's rainy and the challenges of leftover winter deicing grit in the bike lane. Also extra time spent on route planning to prepare for peak bike season.

Biking Commuting 101: Summer
Bike Commuting 101 with expanded section on staying happy, hydrated, and healthy in extreme heat.

Biking Commuting 101: Fall
Bike Commuting 101 with expanded section on happily biking when it's rainy and the challenges of fall leaves in the bike lane.

Biking Commuting 101: Winter
Bike Commuting 101 with expanded section on biking when it's very cold, and through snow and ice.

E-Bikes 101
Bike Commuting 101 especially for e-bikes, with everything you need to know to start using your e-bike for transportation. We cover laws, skills, gear, route planning, and basic maintenance.

E-Bike Law, Let's Talk
Join us to talk e-bike law with Chris Thomas, a lawyer from Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost and a leading expert in e-bike law. An opportunity to clear up the gray areas around Oregon's e-bike laws and get up to speed on how to safely navigate the growing trend of electric micromobility!

Family Bike Camping
Just like our popular general Bike Camping Clinic with special information for camping with small children. What to bring, what to eat, how to pack, where to go, how to get there, and safety. Attendees leave with free family-specific resource handouts and a helpful packing checklist.

Oregon Friendly Driver
A 90-minute class to educate drivers on the safest ways to share the road with bikes and pedestrians--great for businesses or organizations who want to cultivate a safer-driving culture among staff. Register for OFD here.

Put Your Bike on a Bus
Multi-modal bike + bus trips open up a world of possibilities and access to places far away, exhaustingly hilly, and otherwise hard to reach. Learn and practice the best ways to lift your bike and secure it on a practice bus rack.

Rules of the Road Legal Clinic
A lawyer from Thomas, Coon, Newton & Frost covers bicycle and pedestrian law, insurance information, and what to do in the event of a crash.

Using Adaptive Cycles
An adaptive cycle is a bike that makes the act of cycling easier for the rider, whatever their individual needs--whether it's changes to an existing two-wheel bike or a need-specific bike or trike. Learn about the multitude of options and places you can try them out.

BIKETOWN is Portland's bike share program with 1,500 bikes at over 180 stations. It's a fun way to get around--especially once you learn all the best practices, tips, and tricks from this clinic. Includes applicable parts of Bike Commuting 101.

Winter Multimodal Transportation
All the knowledge you need for getting around walking, rolling, and using public transportation when it's dark, rainy, icy, snowy, and cold.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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