District Nine Memorials 
Former and current Altrusans who passed away May to present will be honored at the next District Nine Conference.

District Nine Clubs may honor deceased members with a special memorial recognition by submitting the information below.  

Questions? Contact us at DistrictNineAltrusa@gmail.com
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Club Name *
Full Name of Deceased Member *
Birth Date: *
Death Date: *
Member of Altrusa since (Year): *
Altrusa Highlight: *
Please provide ONE short paragraph highlighting this member to be shared as part of the memorial service. For purposes of time, this submission may be edited.
PHOTO: Please submit a Photo of the Deceased Member (a high resolution JPEG format is preferred) *
Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Phone Number *
Member Obituary Link
If there is an obituary weblink, please provide it here.
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