DMNO Developer Survey
We're trying to drastically improve the way applications are configured, run, and deployed. Anything you can share related to your related workflows - the good and the bad - is incredibly valuable and appreciated :)
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Company name
Company size
What is your role?
Describe your application(s)
e.g. An HR SaaS tool with web and mobile applications
Describe how your stack and repo(s) are set up. Any additional context about why it is set up this way?
e.g. "a js monorepo", "a frontend repo and a backend monorepo for microservices"
How do you deal with configuration/secrets (env vars)? 
e.g. "env vars managed via nconf with secrets in Hashicorp Vault" or "we pass around .env files on Slack"
How do you run everything for development?
e.g. "A series of local terminal commands with a shared staging database" or "we use fully remote cloud dev envs"
If you have a monorepo, do you use any specific tools to help you manage it?
ex: Turborepo, Nx, Moonrepo, Lerna, etc
How do you deploy your stack? How long does it take?
e.g. "Frontend on Vercel, backend/services/etc on AWS" or "Everything on GCP" 
Do you have branch/PR previews? Staging? Other ephemeral envs? Totally automated or on-demand?
What are your biggest blockers / pain points related to deployments?
e.g. "lack of preview envs" or "time to deploy to production" or "costs of running multiple stacks"
If you could start from scratch, what would you change?
Any specific tools you've used that you loved or hated related to config, dev, or deployments? Why?
Anything else you want to tell us? Amazing ideas? Just need to vent?
Can we contact you to dig deeper on any of this?
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