Empowering Moms Program
I'm so glad you've found your way here to connect with other moms and support our community.

So what is our program? It's called Empowering Moms and it is a program through Connected Nest - a new nonprofit in the greater Pittsburgh area that has offered support nationwide. We are a community-based, support-oriented and empowerment-focused program for families as they begin and into the early years! 

This program provides weekly support groups to new moms entering the first years of parenting through any path available. We want to help them gain confidence and community at a time that can be overwhelming and exhausting. And we always have room for more moms. New mom groups occur weekly on Zoom and in-person. You do not need to be local to participate in Zoom group! With Zoom based groups, participants can join us from home, no worries about packing all the things for the babiesWith the in-person groups, we understand if you will be late or baby is fussy and we support you through that! Most moms say they wish they had come sooner - so come - we understand the overwhelm and will have a calm space ready for you.

PLUS we have ways to stay connected beyond the first year - through book and craft club, restaurant, walking, and park meet ups. We also target additional areas of parenting education and continue to look to grow and diversify in the coming year!
As a community non-profit program, we work to ensure groups are open and accessible. There is always the encouragement and opportunity to donate or sponsor the program so that groups can continue to be a growing resource. Community collaborators and volunteers rock too as we pursue opportunities to sustain the program and support our community.  If you're a resource for other moms and want to join our mailing list, please do so by sharing your info below.

If you know of a mom who needs to plug into our groups, please send them the link to complete this form. (http://bit.ly/EmpoweringMomsProgram) This way they can get the invites and updates for the program. We want to help parents feel connected on this journey and in the life transitions to come!

Please email with any questions or come to the groups with them!
Add these addresses to your contacts: theteam@connectednest.org ; empowering.moms724@gmail.com

See you there, 
Megan and 
The Connected Nest Team!

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Meet our Program Staff
Megan Shane- Program Manager & Group Facilitator. megan@connectednest.org Megan is a mom of three and a mental health therapist and art therapist. She has worked in family based programs and school based programs with kids and families facing a wide array of challenges. This experience gave her a lot of awareness of how to implement systems and supports in her home and for new parents too. Having kids 14 years ago, however,  gave her a LARGE dose of perspective of the realities and challenges mother's face. She started facilitating new mom's community groups in person in 2016. Megan formed Empowering Moms out of the desire to support the transition into motherhood, and then expand and meet ongoing, dynamic family needs. Moms have needs throughout the journey because really at each stage you are a new mom! It’s a wild adventure. Her passion is to help moms find empowerment, support one another and continue to grow.

Alicia Leggett- Infertility Program Manager & Expecting Moms Facilitator. alicia@connectednest.org
Alicia is a mom of four,  a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Infant Mental Health Professional, and a Certified Birth Doula CD(Dona). She has a passion for helping women in all stages of their family building journey.  She culminates her educational background with personal life experiences to help women develop skills to cope with the emotional complexities surrounding infertility and motherhood.  She embraces the beautiful and chaotic life of having 4 miracle babies that are all under the age of 5.

Alexandra (Lexi) Runyard- Toddler Time Facilitator  lexirunyard@gmail.com 
Lexi is a mom of three, a master's level former Elementary Teacher, and passionate about positive parenting techniques. She takes her understanding of child development and play and helps bring it to our toddler time play area. Lexi knows that parenting is an ongoing journey and wants to help toddler moms talk through the challenges that shift and change throughout the early childhood years. 
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