CO Native Pollinating Insects Study Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in the Colorado Native Pollinating Insects Study (Study)!   By participating in this survey, you will learn about opportunities for engaging with the Colorado Pollinator Network and help us better understand ways that we can collaborate and develop education and outreach programs. Please feel free to skip over questions that don't have relevance to you.  

The Colorado Pollinator Network (CPN) was established in 2016 to support organizations and individuals throughout Colorado in collaborating to make a positive impact on the health of our state pollinators. This group shares information about the best practices, resources, and knowledge to support education initiatives, conservation, restoration, and creation of habitats and research on pollinators in the state. 

In response to CO SB 22-199, the CO Department of Natural Resources has commissioned a study on native pollinating insects. This collaborative study is being conducted by Colorado State University Extension, the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, and the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, in consultation with state and federal agencies, researchers, scientists, and land managers across the state.

The Study will provide a:
  • comprehensive review of the scientific knowledge of native pollinating insects in Colorado
  • summary of existing state-level programs, best management practices and gaps in understanding and management
  • summary of native pollinating insects, potential areas of collaboration within state government/external partners, and opportunities for public engagement
The People & Pollinators Action Network (PPAN) in collaboration with CPN has been tasked with supporting the development of a public education and outreach plan to complement the Study. These efforts stand outside the Study scope. Since the Study is focused on state-level programs, you can provide input on other insect pollinator programs and land management efforts happening at the regional, county, and local levels.

Overall, an educated community can engage in a variety of activities that support pollinator conservation efforts at different levels, from data collection and analysis to education, policy development and funding mobilization. By leveraging the skills and knowledge of individuals across Colorado, we can make a meaningful contribution to the protection of pollinators and their ecosystems.

The study will be completed by and delivered to the Governor and the CO Legislature by January 1, 2024.

Please direct inquiries to
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First name: *
Last name: *
Email address: *
Street address:
City, State: *
Organization  if applicable:
I would like to receive updates about the Study and related events from the Colorado Pollinator Network. *
The Colorado Pollinator Network will host several events in 2023. Please check all the ways that you would like to participate. 
Please note the ways that you would like to be involved with the Pollinator Summit.
If you are hosting a pollinator-related event during June, please provide details, so we can share them on a public calendar.   *
Please let us know if you want to participate in a June Big Day of Community Science (or anytime during June) to make pollinator observations.   *
Please rank the following from 1 to 5 (1 highest, 5 lowest) in terms of information that you believe would be most likely to encourage the implementation of pollinator-friendly practices *
Evidence of the value of managing habitat for pollinators (or evidence of negative impacts of current practices to pollinators)
Evidence of the value of pollinators to rangeland and agriculture productivity
Evidence of the value of pollinators to ecosystem health and biodiversity
Evidence of the economic value of pollinator-friendly management, e.g. tourism
Evidence of the value of pollinators for cultural, spiritual, or educational reasons
Do you participate in any of the following actions related to pollinator conservation?
Do you use any of the following methods to communicate with the public about your pollinator conservation efforts?
Are you aware of conservation programs or management practices happening in Colorado or other states that address pollinators that you think could be helpful?
What strategies would be most effective in engaging a more diverse range of community members in pollinator conservation efforts?

Do you participate in a community science-type project, collaborate with researchers, or share native pollinator sightings through an online crowdsourced platform like iNaturalist? If so, please provide a brief description.

Would you be interested in collaborating with researchers or through a participatory (community) scientist effort to monitor pollinators to help increase what is known about them and to help inform conservation efforts?

Have you undertaken efforts to support pollinators that you'd like to share as a conservation example of the way an individual, group, or local government can contribute to conserving native pollinating insects? If so, please provide a brief description, and we may follow up to collect details if appropriate to include in the Native Pollinating Insects Study.

Anything we missed or you'd like to share?

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