Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in joining our volunteer network! At the Starfish Connection, we value commitment and consistency, so we ask volunteers to stay involved for a few months at a time. As a volunteer, you'll have the exciting opportunity to be part of our presence at large community events, usually through Talk-o-Truck programming. To get started, please fill out this google form. Then, applicants will undergo a quick interview with staff. Finally, all volunteers will be asked to attend a volunteer training to ensure that they feel confident in their volunteer role. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to hello@thestarfishconnection.org, thank you!

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Name? *
Are you over the age of 18? *
If no, please include your parent/guardian's name and contact phone number
Contact Email *
Contact Phone *
Do you need sign off on your volunteer hours? *
Have you volunteered with the Starfish Connection in the past? *
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