Rosendale Theatre Volunteer Registration
Thank you for volunteering with the Rosendale Theatre! We just need to collect some information from you before you can officially sign up for a volunteer shift.This information will be used to get in touch if there are questions about your shift. All contact info will be kept private and not shared with outside organizations.

You only need to fill out this form once in order to volunteer for a movie shift! If you have already filled out this form and want to volunteer for a movie, you can go directly to the Volunteer Signup Grid

This form can also be used to let us know that you would like to volunteer in general. Filling out this form doesn't require that you volunteer for a nightly movie shift.

Please contact us if you have any problems.
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Name *
Please enter first and last name
Phone Number *
Is it okay to text you? *
Would you like to be added to our email list?
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What type of volunteer work would you like to do? (choose all that you are interested in)
Do you have any other skills or comments you'd like to share?
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