NWCCA Transponder Order Request
For each transponder, please provide full rider name, race category, DOB and BC number. This information will enable us to identify each rider, and assign to the league number when allocated.

It is essential that for family multiple use, that riders are sensibly allocated to each transponder to allow easy transition between races.

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Ordered by: *
Please enter the name of the person completing this form
Please enter your phone number
Please enter your race category for 2019-20 if you are racing yourself.
Transponder 1 *
Please enter the NAME, Date of Birth, BC Number and CATEGORY of the rider who will be using this transponder
Transponder 1 - rider 2 (if applicable)
Please enter the NAME, Date of Birth, BC Number and CATEGORY  of the second rider who will be using this transponder - if it's being shared
Transponder 1 - rider 3 (if applicable)
Please enter the NAME, Date of Birth, BC Number and CATEGORY  of the third rider who will be using this transponder - if it's being shared
Transponder 1 - rider 4 (if applicable)
Please enter the NAME, Date of Birth, BC Number and CATEGORY  of the fourth rider who will be using this transponder - if it's being shared
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