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QUIZ CHALLENGE: So, How Much Do You Really Know About Birds?
Challenge yourself to recall key moments of your Adventures with Birds, and find out where you rank in the pecking order!
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1. This action is NOT used by birds for communicating with other birds:
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 7-14.
1 point
Displaying feathers
2. This bird displays its feet to attract a mate:
Hint: Read page 12 for the answer!
1 point
Blue-footed booby
Greater sage-grouse
3. The timing of a bird's moulting is influenced by its environment, activities and size.
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 16-18.
1 point
4. The black colour of the ayam cemani is caused by...
Hint: You'll find the answer on page 24.
1 point
overexposure to sunlight.
selective breeding.
dark pigmentation.
a high-protein diet.
5. Why do hornbills seal the gaps in the hollows where they nest?
Hint: Page 27 has the answer!
1 point
To protect their eggs and chicks from woodpeckers
To protect their eggs and chicks from predators
To make their nests attractive to potential mates
Out of shyness
6. The factor that most determines whether a bird walks or hops is its...
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 32–34.
1 point
body structure.
7. Scarlet ibis chicks are red from the time they hatch.
Hint: Read page 39 to find the answer.
1 point
8. The horned screamer is the only bird that...
Hint: Page 44 has the answer!
1 point
has a loud, piercing call.
has a horn on its head.
has webbed feet.
can defend itself against predators.
9. Penguin adaptations to the cold include...
Hint: You'll find the answer on pages 55–56.
1 point
oil glands in their tail feathers.
hollow helmets known as casques.
special blood vessels in their feet.
wings that have evolved to become paddles.
10. The hummingbird can hover in flight because it is very light.
Hint: Read page 73 for the answer!
1 point
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