Welcome! We are excited be hosting OrPATS one-day Links training October 5th, 2023 8:30am-3:30pm. This training will be offered as a hybrid training, with in-person seats available and online for those who are not able to travel to join us.
This is OrPATS' typical in-person 1 Day content presented in a state-wide virtual/in-person format!
Participants will receive virtual training on how to use the following ABA instructional strategies: assessing and teaching functional routines, task analysis, discrete trial training and the use of positive behavior intervention and supports as used in the LINKS Curriculum. This workshop is appropriate for teachers, assistants, related service providers, specialists and administrators working with students with secondary (Upper Elementary/Middle/High School & Post Secondary) students with ASD and other related developmental disabilities. For more information about the Links you can visit: https://starautismsupport.com/curriculum/links-curriculum.
Please complete the registration information below. Once you have registered we will send out additional information.