South Avenue Audition Sign-Up Form
Please fill out this form in its entirety before signing up for an audition slot. Just a reminder that, to be considered for the group, you must attend both the solo and group auditions!

Email Mr. Luciana at with any questions!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last Name *
Grade in September *
School E-Mail Address *
E-Mail Address Again (to verify spelling)
If this is your first time auditioning for South Avenue, would you like to be connected with a member of the current group who can help with the audition process? *
What clubs, sports, or activities do you anticipate participating in next year? *
What is something about yourself that you bring to the table and can help make the group a unified and positive musical experience? *
Please list two teachers who have had you in the past who I can contact as references for you. (Please include their email addresses.) *
New Members: Why do you want to be in an a cappella group? What is it about group singing that you love?

If you're a returning member, what's bringing you back to the group and how would you like to see the group evolve next year?
Sign up for an audition slot here!
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