Philadelphia teachers, parents and students: Tell us how you have been affected by gun violence
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Please feel free to answer the questions most relevant to you. This form is confidential. If you are OK with us publishing your answers, along with your name and location, let us know in the appropriate box below. We won't publish your contact information. We just ask so we can get in touch. Thank you for sharing with us.

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What is your first and last name? *
What's your connection to schools? Are you a... *
Where do you live? *
Which school are you connected to? Full name, please, and district. *
How has gun violence affected you directly?
Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe at school?
What are specific things that make you feel safe? What makes you feel unsafe?
How could school leaders better support students affected by gun violence?
Chalkbeat Philadelphia will continue writing about gun violence and youth this school year. What is a story that you hope we tell?
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