PTO Elections

PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. Consisting of parents and teachers working together to support and enrich all students. Our objective is to provide our school with funds, programs, resources, and services that will maximize the education of every child and benefit the school.

Every 2 years, the school holds elections for the PTO officers. We hope you will consider volunteering to support the Beebe students.

  • President: Preside at general PTO meetings and executive board meetings • Serve as the primary contact to the principal and represent the PTO at meetings of other groups, if needed 
  • Vice Prsident: Assist the president • Perform the duties of the president if the president is absent or unable to serve • Participate in executive board meetings and provide input for decisions • Be an ambassador for the PTO and the school  
  • Secretary:  Prepare agendas • Record and distribute minutes of meetings • Maintain a complete file of all approved minutes, agendas, and materials distributed  Photocopy the minutes from the last general meeting for distribution (and approval) at the upcoming general meeting • Record minutes of general meetings and distribute them in a timely manner
  • Treasurer:  Computer literate—must know how to use Excel or be willing to learn Appreciates the value of a paper trail; willing to follow through on tight financial controls • Honest, organized, and tenacious; not put off by paperwork, forms, documents, numbers • Understands that this role is the custodian of other peoples’ money

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