the most joyful climate community is waiting for you
This form is for people who are ready to sign up for Soapbox Project's membership. It includes a vibrant online hub as well as in-person programming (depending on where you live + how much YOU are able to contribute). This form will take you <5 minutes -- just tell us who you are, why you're excited, and how we can build a better world together!

Some things your annual membership includes:
  • Courses! Including Good Facilitation, Planet-Friendly Food, Sustainable Fashion, and Action at Work
  • 2x a month virtual fireside chats with expert speakers (see our journal)
  • 1x a month non-icky networking sessions with other climate curious friends
  • Creative ways to connect deeply on issues you care about
  • 1x a month Action Hours to *take action* on the issues you care about in a manageable way
  • Rage rooms where you can find a home for your grief / hopelessness / despair so you can gently send those emotions on their merry way
  • Leadership, speaking, and writing opportunities -- we've gotten featured in Grist, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Nasdaq, etc. and invited to Sustainable Brands, GreenBiz, and corporate partnership events
  • IRL community centers depending on YOU!

Our membership community is geared towards generous people like you who have the resources to build a better world and is priced accordingly. We wish for an annual contribution of $349, but we've got a choose-what-you-pay structure (shoutout to Yes World for helping us structure this). 

We are so grateful for your interest in our cozy climate community!

If you are not interested in this program, you can always get our free newsletters at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email address (please use an email you'll actually check) *
Mailing address (or if you're uncomfortable providing it: your city *
In 1-2 sentences, please share what you're hoping to GIVE as a member of our Soapbox Project community. *
In 1-2 sentences, please share what you're hoping to GET as a member of our Soapbox Project community. (If you're here for the Good Facilitation course, please note that below) *
In 3-5 sentences, what's your vision of a better world? (If that's too vague, what does 2040 look like to you if everything has gone right?) *
In 3-5 sentences, why is community important to you? *
Our annual membership is $349, which covers the costs of running Soapbox Project and includes our courses. We also offer a few other options: 
- Pay it forward ($449)
- A bit less ($199)
- Reparative rate ($99)
Choose your plan here, and please use the descriptions to guide your decision.

You can also choose to pay monthly if that lessens your financial burden, but please note that our membership term is yearly. (I.e. we will be distraught if you sign up for a month and then cancel, because that's not how we've set up our community.)
Do you have any questions for us?
By submitting this, I commit to Soapbox Project's values of courage and joy. I will model those for myself and others, take risks where I can, and celebrate progress over perfection! *
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