RECAP Researcher Community
Research to End Consumption of Animal Products (RECAP) is a transdisciplinary group of researchers from academia, the nonprofit sector, and business. We aim to facilitate collaboration among researchers, thus accelerating impactful research with the goal of eventually ending animal product consumption. This research may focus on dietary advocacy (vegan, vegetarian, or reduction), welfare campaigns, or other topics related to reducing or ending the consumption of animal products from a social science perspective.

We have two primary communication channels: a Slack group and monthly video calls. The Slack group provides a venue for networking, collaborating, information sharing, and mentorship. Please give a brief introduction to yourself and your work in the #introduce-yourself channel! In the monthly video calls, we share study results, provide updates on current projects, and generate new research ideas/collaborations through informal discussion. There are two call times: one that is better for people in the Western hemisphere, and one that is better for people in the Eastern hemisphere. You are welcome to join one or both.

Thank you for your interest in joining the group! Please allow a few days for us to review your form submission.

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Full name (first and last) *
What is your research role? *
If you are not currently a researcher, please describe your role.
How would you like to be involved with RECAP? *
Email address for Slack (if applicable)
Email address for call reminders (if applicable)
Your location (country) *
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