You are an inspiring leader?
You want to meet people on your leadership level?
You want to share your views on leadership?
You are willing to be shadowed by another leader?

We prepared a set of questions for you. The list is a proposal.
Feel free to choose the one`s you want to answer only.
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What's your name? *
About you
Please share more about you
What's your position?
What does leadership mean to you?
What is important for you to share?
About the person you want to invite
Please describe the characteristics of the person you allow to shadow you
Please describe some personal characteristics you are looking for in the person
Please describe if there are any no goes for you
Is there anything else that is important for you?
About Time
Timing is an important factor in everything
How long it would be nice to be visited/shadowed?
Do you have a time phrame for this invitation? When it could fit well?
When do you want to talk to us to get support?
Thank you!
If you wish to get support, we'll get in contact with you soon.
Jutta & Govinda
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